The course aims to present the requirements of public lighting projects. It will address normative aspects reviewed and under discussion in the standards committees for projects and public luminaires and will present the requirements for labeling public luminaires by Inmetro and Procel.
It will present aspects for management (maintenance, control and remote management) and LED technology applied to Public Lighting.
Professionals linked to the public lighting area: municipal managers, designers, consultants, manufacturers and importers of equipment and those interested in the area in general.
- Evaluation of certified public luminaires in IP projects
- Status of the normative revision of NBR 5101
- Certification of public lighting
- New Technologies - LED Lighting and Remote Management
Expository presentation
Debates on topics covered during the course
Electrical Engineer by Escola Politécnica da USP, Master in Electrical Engineering with emphasis on Power Systems by USP. Specialist in Public Lighting e_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136Controlescf58d com experience in energy efficiency projects, power electronics, energy usage management, metering and verification and lighting retrofits. Responsible technician at EXPER Soluções Luminotécnicas.
Architect from FAU-USP, Master in Electrical Engineering from Escola Politécnica da USP.
Member of ABNT/COBEI, CB-03, where she worked as Coordinator of the Technical Standards Commission for Lighting Applications and Photometric Measurements.
Member of ASBAI, where he coordinates the Industry and Commerce Studies Commission.
CGCRE/INMETRO specialist in the scope LED lamps and public lighting for os certification processes.
Director and consultant at EXPER Soluções Luminotécnicas.
In cash or up to 3 interest-free installments on your credit card
Partner discounts (non-accumulative):
Associados ABD, ABESCO, ABILUMI, ABILUX, ABRASIP-MG, ASBAI, ASBEA, ADP, AURESIDE, GBC BRASIL e_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ELETROBRÁS: 10% off
Guests Lume Arquitetura, The Electricity Sector, Lumiere Publisher, Potência Magazine: 10% off
Participants LEDforum 2019: 20% off.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students: 10% discount.
Jeannette C. Monteiro
Analista de Gestão - Coelba - BA
‘’O Workshop de Iluminação Pública realizado pela EXPER foi ótimo, apresentou um conteúdo bastante amplo, diferenciado, consistente e rico em detalhes.Trouxe informações que muitas vezes passam despercebidas e uma abordagem muito técnica além da apresentação de cases de sucesso, permitindo uma visão ampla do trabalho a ser realizado e o desejo quase que obrigatório de realizar outros. Um evento realmente bom, atendeu às minhas expectativas, sem dificuldade de administrar o tempo e com preço acessível.’’
Deyvis Felipi Gragorio da luz
Gerente de Importação na Olivo SA Produtos Eletricos
Ótimo curso, com nível de informação muito satisfatório. não só explana conhecimento técnico e tendências, como também proporciona um Network muito promissor.
José Antonio Cavicchioli Soto
Enc. Dpto. Tec. na Conexled
Curso bastante construtivo ajuda esclarecer duvidas praticas e esclarecer duvida.