This WORKSHOP aims to deepen the issues related to municipal management, purchase of public lighting equipment and main flaws in public notices in a very practical way with real case studies from several Municipalities.
The course aims to present the requirements and the importance of meeting the normative aspects reviewed in the standards committees for projects and public lighting and the possible technical and economic impacts for municipal management with Resolution 414/2010.
Professionals linked to the public lighting area: public lighting managers, city halls, concessionaires, suppliers of public lighting equipment and technologies, sector investors, schools and public lighting design and maintenance companies.
Importance of Public Lighting in Brazil – current scenario
LEDs in street lighting - examples and case studies
Equipment and its characteristics
Equipment conformity assessment - testing, labeling, certification, Procel Seal
Current scenario after the transfer of public lighting assets
Market situation with Resolution 414/2010 - Dealership x City Hall and Manufacturers
Legal consequences of the change in legislation in relation to Public Lighting
Inventory of lighting points and infrastructure sharing with Municipalities and new technologies
Economic impact on municipal management - Case Studies
Drafting of a Bill for the creation or adjustment of CIP/COSIP - Case Studies
General impacts to Municipalities
The new Public Notices for the Integrated Management of Public Lighting after the ANEEL Resolution
Positioning of the São Paulo State Court of Auditors - Case Studies
Participation of electricity distributors in bidding processes and LEI 12,529/2011, which structures the Brazilian system in competition and deals with infractions against the economic order
The obligation to establish ABNT's technical standards in the Bidding Documents for the acquisition of STREET LIGHTING equipment is the responsibility of the public manager
Questions and challenges for defects that tarnish the bidding process with inadequate specifications in the public notices - Case Studies
Need to exempt municipalities from the ICMS levy on the public lighting consumption account and IPI of luminaires - Case Studies
Expository presentation of several case studies
Practical evaluation of demonstration equipment (LED lighting, lamps, etc.)
Debates on topics covered during the course

Electrical Engineer graduated from CEFET-RJ. Technical coordinator of the Conformity Assessment Program in the lighting area. Technical responsible for the certification program for public luminaires and led lamps.

Lawyer, postgraduate in Tax Law, specialized in Tax Procedural Law and Counselor of the Superior Council of Law of the Federation of Commerce of the State of São Paulo (Fecomércio). Specialist in the public lighting segment, he has been working in the sector since 1995, providing consultancy services and assisting in the feasibility of energy efficiency projects and modernization of the lighting park. He is a partner at Gouveia Gioielli Advogados.

Architect and Urbanist graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ. Specialist in Energy Efficiency by the Specialization Course on the Rational Use of Energy at UNIFEI . He has worked at Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S/A - Eletrobras since 2005, within the scope of the National Electric Energy Conservation Program - Procel, in which he is part of the nucleus responsible for managing the Procel Seal in the Lighting and Solar Water Heating segments .

Electrical Engineer graduated from PUCRS with specialization in Business Management. Former coordinator of CEIP – Center of Excellence in Public Lighting and of the LABELO/PUCRS Lighting Area. Coordinator of Study Commissions and work groups to study public lighting at ABNT/COBEI. Professor of public lighting courses and author of articles on the subject.

Electrical Engineer graduated from UFF, master and doctor in Eng. Mechanics from UFF. RIOLUZ technical advisor, responsible for the evaluation and approval of public lighting products from the photometric, mechanical, electrical and aesthetic point of view for application in the city of Rio de Janeiro._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
22 • OUTUBRO • 2015 | 9h00 às 18:00
8 am
R Basílio da Cunha, 369 • Acclimatization • SP | T • 11 • 4704-5972/ 4262-1840
• Associados ABD, ABESCO, ABILUMI, ABILUX, ABRASIP-MG, ASBAI, ASBEA, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ADP, AURESIDE, GBC BRASIL e ELETROBRÁS: 10% discount
• Guests Lume Arquitetura, The Electricity Sector, Editora Lumiere: 10% discount
• Undergraduate and postgraduate students : 10% discount
• Special Discount: Sign up for 5 different modules and get 1 module to choose from
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Jeannette C. Monteiro
Analista de Gestão - Coelba - BA
‘’O Workshop de Iluminação Pública realizado pela EXPER foi ótimo, apresentou um conteúdo bastante amplo, diferenciado, consistente e rico em detalhes.Trouxe informações que muitas vezes passam despercebidas e uma abordagem muito técnica além da apresentação de cases de sucesso, permitindo uma visão ampla do trabalho a ser realizado e o desejo quase que obrigatório de realizar outros. Um evento realmente bom, atendeu às minhas expectativas, sem dificuldade de administrar o tempo e com preço acessível.’’
Fernando Bottene
Lighting Architect - Via Luz Iluminação
"Temos interesse em continuar mantendo contato com os variados cursos relacionados a iluminação oferecidos pela Exper. Além da qualidade dos profissionais envolvidos nos mais variados seguimentos da iluminação acredito também que o grande diferencial seja o network proporcionado pelos participantes do evento.
No Workshop de iluminação publica conseguimos estabelecer contatos horizontais com alguns fornecedores de soluções complementares (automação e gestão) a iluminação LED que fornecemos e essas parcerias horizontais resultaram em novos negócios e oportunidades conjuntas."
Thiago E. Iannuzzi
Diretor - Repume
"Ano passado participei do Workshop de Iluminação Pública. Gostaria de relatar que fiquei bastante satisfeito com o conteúdo abordado, transferência do ativo de iluminação pública das concessionárias para as prefeituras.
Naquele momento existiam muitas dúvidas sobre o assunto e o Dr. Alfredo conseguiu solucionar muitas dúvidas e inclusive me gabaritando de novas informações que foram de grande importância após o curso. Ele conseguiu tornar claro a compreensão do assunto de grande complexidade."
Bruno Sena
Licitações - Repume
"Agradeço a empresa organizadora, bem como aos profissionais extremamente capacitados que apresentaram os assuntos abordados durante o evento, tivemos situações e acontecimentos reais muito bem explicados. O processo de transição e de evolução tecnológica em nosso pais, referente a Iluminação Pública, é algo de extrema importância e que se deve ter uma atenção especial. No meu ponto de vista, todos os interessados e até mesmo aos profissionais que já atuam no ramo de Iluminação Publica, deveriam participar de eventos como este."