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Street lighting

Assessorias técnicas e Projetos Luminotécnicos para municípios, concessionárias e PPPs em atendimento a requisitos regulations and public calls from public entities such as PROCEL Reluz from Eletrobras.

Uma equipe especializada oferece soluções para desenvolvimento de produtos visando alto desempenho, eficiência energética e conforto visual.


of products

Lighting projects​s

Projetos luminotécnicos especialmente elaborados para atendimento aos requisitos de eficiência energética de etiquetagens como LEED, ACQUA e Procel Edifica são o foco de trabalho da equipe EXPER.

Automation and lighting controls

The automation of lighting systems can be contemplated together with the lighting project as well as the integration with the automation of other Building Automation and Supervision systems (BMS - Building Management System). In order to optimize energy efficiency, lighting projects are designed to ensure the best control system during the initial design phase .

measurement and verification

EXPER offers services for measurement and verification of projects carried out in terms of regulatory requirements for illuminance levels recommended by the NBR ISO 8995-1 standard. High reliability measuring equipment  are used for measurements and verifications.

For more information:

11 4704-5972 

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